Children holding personalized bricks.

Leave a Legacy of Hope and Opportunity

Make a lasting impact by including the Shule Foundation in your legacy planning

Leaving a legacy is more than just a financial decisionโ€”itโ€™s a powerful way to ensure your values and passion for making a difference live on. At the Shule Foundation, we believe every child deserves a chance to thrive, and your legacy gift can make that possible. By including us in your estate planning, you are securing a future for the vulnerable boys we serve and creating a lasting impact that will echo for generations.

Your gift will transform lives, providing education, hope, and opportunities these children might never have. Discover how you can leave a legacy of love, empowerment, and changeโ€”one that will continue to uplift and inspire long after you are gone.

The different types of legacy you can leave in your Will

  • A Share Of Your Estate

    Once you have taken care of your family and friends, you can leave a share or the remainder of your estate to us. This is called a โ€œresiduary giftโ€. Suggested wording: โ€œI give all OR [ ]% of the residue of my estate to: Shule Foundation, Incย  (501(C) 3 - EIN 46-4988103) - 211 East 35th Street, 3G, New York, NY 10016 USA for its general purposes absolutely and the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executorsโ€.

  • A Gift Of Money In Your Will

    You can choose to leave us a specific amount of money, outlined in your Will. This is called a โ€œpecuniary giftโ€. Suggested wording: โ€œI give free of tax the sum of $____ to Shule Foundation, Inc (501(C) 3 - EIN 46-4988103) - 211 East 35th street, 3G, New York, NY 10016 USA for its general purposes absolutely and the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executorsโ€.

  • A Specific Gift in Your Will

    You can choose to leave us a specific item, such as jewellery or a house when making a Will. This is called a โ€œspecific giftโ€. Suggested wording: โ€œI give to Shule Foundation, Inc (501(C) 3 - EIN 46-4988103) - 211 East 35th street, 3G, New York, NY 10016 USA for its general purposes absolutely my ____ [name and description of item] and the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executorsโ€.

  • A Reversionary Gift

    If you are setting up a trust for someone to use over a period of time (such as their lifetime), the gift can be passed on to other recipients (such as a charity) when the time has ended. This is known as a โ€œlife interest." A reversionary gift will leave your estate to your dependents while they are living, and it will revert to Shule Foundation, Inc. after they pass away. We recommend you discuss this further with a solicitor as it is important that the wording is correct.

  • Restricted Gifts

    If you would like your legacy donation to be used in a certain way โ€“ in a specific country, or for a particular kind of project, you can outline this wish when making your Will. Please phrase this as a request rather than a condition to the legacy, as if circumstances change in countries or on projects, we may not be able to accept your legacy gift. We would encourage you to consider leaving a gift without any restrictions. Thank you for considering leaving a legacy gift in your Will to Shule. If you'd like to talk to us about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact us at +1(646) 479-4434 or [email protected].

Men welding metal outdoor workshop.

Your legacy gift guarantees we will reach more young people and give them the opportunities they need to fulfill their potential.

Opportunities For All

Community meal, rice and beans served.

If lucky, the average street child eats one small meal a day. Your legacy gift ensures we provide nutritious daily meals to boys living on the streets.

Feeding The Hungry

As you consider the legacy you wish to leave behind, imagine the countless lives that your generosity will touch. Picture the young minds that will be nurtured, the dreams that will be realized, and the futures that will be forever changed because of you. A legacy gift is more than a donation; itโ€™s a powerful statement of your values, hopes, and belief in a brighter tomorrow.

Including the Shule Foundation in your legacy, you are planting seeds of hope that will grow for generations. You give young boys who once faced insurmountable odds the chance to rise above their circumstances and build lives filled with purpose, dignity, and opportunity.

Today, you can shape a future that extends far beyond your lifetime. Your legacy can be the hope that guides these children to a better, more just world. We invite you to join us in this transformation mission, knowing that your gift's impact will endure long after youโ€™ve left your mark on the world.

Thank you for considering this profound way to make a lasting difference.

For resources on how and why to leave a legacy, click here.ย