Bringing Holiday Joy to the Children of Kisenyi Slum

Kisenyi Slum is one of the largest slums in central Kampala, and the children who live on these streets are some of the most marginalized in the world – scavenging for food and often subjected to all forms of abuse. Orphaned and without access to education, there is little chance to escape from a life of extreme poverty.

In this season of hope and giving, we are working to bring a little joy to the children living on the streets of the Kisenyi Slum.

Orphaned or neglected by their parents, these boys live on the streets under the shelter of a tarp. To survive, they’ve formed a family amongst themselves and look out for each other. These boys often go days without eating.

In Kampala, our CEO Jackie spent some time with Anna, Faith and Tracy – three young girls who live their lives in an environment no child should be subjected to. In addition to the hunger and poverty that are the norm in Kisenyi Slum, girls are also at risk of being violated by the boys and men who live near them on the streets.

The most extraordinary characteristic of the children we have encountered is their ability to keep smiling and make the best out of the circumstances they were dealt. These are just a few of the children we’ve met in Kampala, just a few of the lives that will be directly affected by your support.

We need your help to reach our goal of $3,500 to fund our Second Annual Holiday Party in Kampala, providing food, fun and holiday cheer to more than 400 children living in Kisenyi Slum. Your donation of any amount helps; just $10 buys 5 meals for children in need.

These children, and all of us, are thankful for your generosity and dedication to our cause – improving access quality education for all children in Uganda.