Underwear Is A Luxury Street Boys Can’t Afford

The Forgotten Ones: The Impact of Street Boys Lacking Access to Underwear It is not uncommon to see young boys living on the streets in worn-out or tattered clothes that are either too big or too small and are mismatched. However, one crucial detail often goes unnoticed: the lack of underwear. Boys living on the streets face many challenges, and one of the most significant is their inability to access underwear. This… Read More

What About The Girls?

Shule Foundation, Jackie Wolfson, Blog, blogger, Uganda, Global Alliance for Girls, Street kids, education

In honor of International Day of the Girl Child, I have decided to publicly address a question I am constantly asked about our Watoto Mtaani project. “What about girls?” When it comes to our work with children living on the streets, we never set out to NOT help girls. Actually, when we moved the first group of kids off the streets, there was one girl in the group. Her name was Shadia…. Read More

The Six That Got Away

Shule Foundation, Jackie Wolfson, street kids, Uganda, Kisenyi, education, drop in center, rehabilitation, blog, blogger,

When we began the Watoto Mtaani Project, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy and I’ve known that I wouldn’t be able to save them all, but losing six was tough – especially when I’d managed to lose four in the first three weeks.  I constantly ask myself was it my fault?  Could I have done things differently?     After the kids had finished detoxing and were able to think clearly, I… Read More

Shadia’s life changed the day her mother died.

From what I can tell, Shadia grew up in a loving home; she attended school and was taken care of by her mother. But when her mother passed due to complications from AIDS, everything changed. Now 17, Shadia has been on the streets of Kisenyi for more than 2 years. She says she left home because her grandmother was not nice to her, she tells me she was forced to leave school… Read More

Sleeping In A Bed Is A Luxury Many Children Don’t Have.

People always say to me, “How do you do what you do?” “I couldn’t do it. It’s so sad. So, depressing.” From the moment I stepped foot on the continent of Africa more than 8 years ago, I don’t recall ever being overcome by sadness or getting depressed by the encounters I have. I believe that is a testament to the African people. They innately accept the lives they were born into, which to… Read More

Emma and Jude…Two Friends Who Lost Their Way!

Emmanuel and Jude found their way to Kisenyi together.  They never intended to leave home, let alone become street kids. One Sunday afternoon during the annual circumcision ceremony that takes place in their village, these two young boys got so wrapped up in the festivities that they lost their way. Not able to find their way back home, they somehow made it to Kampala, ending up in the slum of Kisenyi. They say they… Read More

Thank You for Helping Us Change Lives

Here at Shule Foundation, our goal is to improve the lives of the most impoverished children in Uganda, and across Africa through education. In addition to the many village children we’ve gotten to know, we have also been fortunate to spend time with the children of Kisenyi Slum – one of the largest slum in central Kampala. The children who live on these streets are some of the most marginalized in the… Read More