Thank You for Helping Us Change Lives

Here at Shule Foundation, our goal is to improve the lives of the most impoverished children in Uganda and across Africa through education. In addition to the many village children we’ve gotten to know, we have also been fortunate to spend time with the children of Kisenyi Slum – one of the largest slums in central Kampala. The children who live on these streets are some of the most marginalized in the world – scavenging for food and often subjected to all forms of abuse. Left to fend for themselves and without access to education, there is little chance to escape from a life of extreme poverty.

The most extraordinary characteristic of the children we have encountered is their ability to keep smiling and make the best out of their circumstances. During the holiday season, we asked our supporters to help us bring a little joy to these kids with the second annual Shule Foundation Holiday Party in Kampala. And thanks to your generous support, we exceeded our goal – raising $4,100 that enabled us to:

  • Feed more than 400 children with meals including rice, beans, meat – and ice cream!
  • Deliver 100 much-needed reusable sanitary pads to girls
  • Distribute clothing, soap, and other supplies with the help of our partner, The Outflow
  • Provide dancing and entertainment by Jackie Senyongo, Gesteen Traveller, and Holy Keane Amooti

We are overjoyed and grateful for the success of our 2016 holiday campaign. But this year, we want to make an even more significant – and more lasting – impact. During the holiday season, many organizations show up to provide for these kids. And feeding these children once a year is not enough. So this year, the Shule Foundation will expand our efforts and bring Christmas in July to the invisible children of Kisenyi Slum – at a time when most have forgotten about them. With your help, we will offer:

  • Hot Meals and beverages
  • HIV testing and education, overseen by Alive Medical Services
  • Launch our monthly “Day of Beauty” initiative—showers, hair cuts, and fingernail clipping
  • Dignity Dreams packs, including reusable sanitary pads and underwear
  • Gift bags, including underwear, pants, tops, shoes and bath products
  • Entertainment, to include some of UUganda’sbiggest musical acts

We look forward to all that 2017 will bring as we continue working to improve the lives of Uganda’s children. And, don’t forget to check out our two newest initiatives – the Kitalu Shule Project and the Kiki Project. These children and all of us at Shule Foundation are thankful for your generosity and your continued dedication to our mission.

Check out our partners and learn about the wonderful work they do. Alive Medical Services and Dignity Dreams.

If you would like to know how you can get involved in our upcoming Christmas in July event, please contact us at [email protected] or visit

Video Credit Benn Ankunda and Tiff Gravel. Starring the children of Kisenyi.

You can see photos from our 2nd Annual Christmas Party here.