Emma and Jude…Two Friends Who Lost Their Way!

Emmanuel and Jude found their way to Kisenyi together. They never intended to leave home, let alone become street kids. One Sunday afternoon during the annual circumcision ceremony that takes place in their village, these two young boys got so wrapped up in the festivities that they lost their way. Unable to find their way back home, they somehow made it to Kampala, ending up in the slum of Kisenyi. They say they have been on the streets since 2015, and both want nothing more than to go home.

Wamboga Emmanuel

When I first encountered  Emmanuel, I, along with a few others, mistook him for a girl. I think it had something to do with the pink onesie he lived in. I became fascinated by him as he wandered around in the African heat, wearing his flannel pajamas. It took him a while to warm up to me, but once he did he was determined to get me to buy him a pair of ngatoo (Luganda for shoes). And his persistence paid off; I purchased him a new pair of flip-flops… for which he couldn’t thank me enough. Unfortunately, he could only hold on to them for two days before they were stolen from him. Now, my poor little Emma is back to being without shoes.

Thievery is a constant occurrence among the children of Kisenyi. Children must learn quickly how to survive. The strong prey on the weak; the minute someone closes their eyes or lets their guard down, there is always someone there just waiting to take advantage of the situation.

Forever high, this 10-year-old boy walks around in a haze all day from sniffing glue. It’s heartbreaking to see a child so beaten down at such a young age. There is an inquisitive mind and kind soul trapped inside this shell of a boy. Emma deserves to have a childhood before it is too late.

EMMA’S STORY:                                                  I am 10 years old. I came from Mbale, but I don’t recall any information about my home. I stayed home with my mother, grandfather, and siblings, though I don’t remember anyone’s name. I didn’t leave intentionally. I went home on a Sunday, but I’m not sure of the year. I studied up to primary three before leaving home. All I wish to do is be a pilot — nothing else.

kisenyi street kids, kampala uganda

Meshach Jude

Jude stood out. From the moment I looked at him, I could tell this kid did not belong here. After spending just a few minutes with him, I discovered Jude belongs in a classroom. He is always working, collecting bottles, and doing whatever he can to make a little money. He does his best to care for his things; he is meticulous. He holds on to his belongings for dear life, continually fearing someone will take them. He refuses to spend time with me until he showered and wears clean clothes.

While Emma constantly asks for new shoes, Jude can’t stop asking to go back to school. The majority of the kids I meet tell me they want to go to school, but when Jude says it, he really means it. And this boy should be in school. Great things are in store for Jude; we just need to get him out of Kisenyi and back with his family so that he can return to the classroom where he belongs.

JUDE’S STORY:                                                         I am 14 years old. I came from the Mbale district of Nankusi village in 2015, though I can’t trace the way back home by myself now. I followed the traditional circumcision celebrations to Mbale and later to Kampala with my friend Emmanuel, who is here in Kisenyi with me. My parents are Mulokore Merry and Ongaire Charles, mother and father, respectively. I don’t recall any of my siblings for now. I stopped studying in primary seven. I don’t think of anything else apart from resuming school.

Why street kids aren’t trusting

Many of these children are not very trusting. They must prove themselves worthy, which is understandable. The majority of adults who enter their lives come and go; many make empty promises, others abuse them both mentally and physically, and some use them for personal gain. These kids are smart. They can see right through you. They know who’s genuine and who is not.

They deserve respect, kindness, love, and protection. I am honored and humbled that these children have accepted me and allowed me into their lives. My world is a much better place because they are in it.

You can help

Jude and Emma should not be living on the streets, addicted to sniffing glue, and most certainly not out of school. They should be with their families, enjoying their childhoods.

We want to rent a house to move Jude, Emma, and 18 other street kids out of the slum and into our rehab center. Please donate now to help us cover the cost of beds, sheets, mattresses, bath products, clothes, and more.

Learn more about our Watoto Mtaani Project.