Celebrating One Year of Making A Difference for Street Kids

Shule Foundation, Jackie Wolfson, street kids, Uganda, Kisenyi, education, family

Can you believe it’s been one year since we first opened the doors of Shule’s first transitional home in Uganda? Neither can we. But in the last 12 months, we’ve made incredible progress in helping street children take the first steps toward a brighter future – and it’s all thanks to generous supporters like you! Here’s a look at our first year.

“A mind is a terrible thing to waste”

street kids of Kisenyi, Uganda

I witnessed something that reminded me of the public service marketing slogan, “A mind is terrible thing to waste,” which was adopted by the United Negro College Fund in 1972. The brilliance of the campaign at the time was that these seven words helped change the “public perception of young black men in the media from angry, troubled and dangerous to being thought of as minds; encouraging respect rather than indignation or… Read More

Shadia’s life changed the day her mother died.

From what I can tell, Shadia grew up in a loving home; she attended school and was taken care of by her mother. But when her mother passed due to complications from AIDS, everything changed. Now 17, Shadia has been on the streets of Kisenyi for more than 2 years. She says she left home because her grandmother was not nice to her, she tells me she was forced to leave school… Read More

Emma and Jude…Two Friends Who Lost Their Way!

Emmanuel and Jude found their way to Kisenyi together.  They never intended to leave home, let alone become street kids. One Sunday afternoon during the annual circumcision ceremony that takes place in their village, these two young boys got so wrapped up in the festivities that they lost their way. Not able to find their way back home, they somehow made it to Kampala, ending up in the slum of Kisenyi. They say they… Read More